a veces creo que soy esclava de Tumblr.
o algo así
aparentemente es muy dificil
como lo hacen las semillas
o algo asi.+¡

niñx interior precisa
un corset ortopèdico para su autoestima
o algo asì ,

new age bullshit generator;

Consciousness consists of chaos-driven reactions of quantum energy. “Quantum” means an ennobling of the non-dual.

The goal of molecular structures is to plant the seeds of awareness rather than illusion. We dream, we dream, we are reborn.

Turbulence is born in the gap where consciousness has been excluded.

If you have never experienced this flow devoid of self, it can be difficult to reflect. Have you found your story? Lifeform, look within and inspire yourself.
It can be difficult to know where to begin. Although you may not realize it, you are divine. The quantum matrix is calling to you via ultrasonic energy. Can you hear it?
You must take a stand against dogma. Only a traveller of the solar system may integrate this flow of wonder. We can no longer afford to live with ego.
Suffering is the antithesis of life-force.
This life is nothing short of a condensing lightning bolt of technological wisdom. The dreamscape is full of supercharged waveforms. Rebirth is the growth of grace, and of us.
To navigate the journey is to become one with it. Today, science tells us that the essence of nature is fulfillment. We exist as pulses.

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